Cohen class  of 1900   Philosophy Graphic   Morris and Wife   Philosophy Dept. 1934   Philosophy Dept. 1926   Philosophy Dept. 1929   Math Graphic
Cohen class  of 1900
Cohen early in his teaching career. CCNY Archives: Cohen class of 1900.
  (larger image)

  .There is a great deal of talk today about psychologic methods of teaching, of putting your ideas "over," and "selling" them to the public. I have not the time and energy to findout how much real value there is in all this talk.But I am profoundly convinced that there is no royal road up therocky and dangerous steep of philosophy-not even for King Demos. Students must do the climbing themselves and suffer scratches or worse injuries in the process. The only help that a teacher can offer is to follow the Socratic method and convince his students that they must climb the Hill of Vision or else sink in the mire of conventional error. .

(A Tribute to Professor Morris Raphael Cohen:Teacher & Philosopher. New York: Grossman, 1928, pp. 72-73.)

Teaching had always seemed to me so much more divine an occupation than college administration that I could never understand why in American universities it is considered a promotion when a teacher becomes a college dean or president.

(M.R. Cohen, A Dreamer’s Journey, Boston: Beacon Press, 1949, p. 150.)

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