Women at City College:
A Fifty Year Anniversary Exhibit
online exhibitions
1950 dance poster


Women’s service organizations were popular in many colleges, including the School of Business in 1947. The Evening Session group, Organization for Women’s Rights, sponsored social and education programs that focused on getting women admitted to the College of Liberals Arts and Sciences on an equal basis with men.

A member of this group, Ms. Elaine Shapiro, appeared before the College’s trustees in 1950. The Board tabled the issue. Soon, however, concern that the College’s enrollment would drop if the draft for the Korean War continued led to the adoption of a resolution at the January 1951 meeting to the effect that women would be admitted to the College of Liberal Arts and Science; and, to balance things out, men would now be able to attend the uptown campus of Hunter (now Lehman College). About 315 women, half of them transfers from the School of Education, shattered a century long tradition and enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Science in the fall of 1951.