Women at City College:
A Fifty Year Anniversary Exhibit
online exhibitions
Michelle Soto

Michelle Soto
National Medical Fellowship and W.K. Kellogg Fellowship

“ Michelle Soto, a recent graduated of City College’s Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education/CUNY Medical School, spent last summer [1998] studying rural health programs after being named one of 15 recipients of a prestigious national fellowship program for minority medical students.

Ms. Soto, who majored in bio-medicine at CCNY, received a $10,000 fellowship from the National Medical Fellowships (NMF) and the W.K. Kellogg Community-base Training Fellowship Program for Minority Medical Students.

Ms. Soto’s co-Fellows come from top medical schools around the United States, including those at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, NYU, Ohio State, Tufts and Mount Sinai School of Medicine.”
(CCNY, May, 1999)