Women at City College:
A Fifty Year Anniversary Exhibit
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Bianca Van-Kurst & Hannah Farquharson
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Bianca Van-Kurst
1999 Jonas E. Salk Scholarship for Medical School

"Ms. Van-Kurst’s first medical experience was nursing an uncle in her native Surinam who suffered from an unknown type of muscular atrophy. She came to U.S. in the 1992 and, after attending a community college, enrolled at CCNY in 1994. She participated in CCNY’s Minority Access to Research Careers Programs, and was awarded the Physics Achievement Award in 1996. She is pursuing her medical degree at the University of Pennsylvania.”
(CCNY, May 1999)

Hannah Farquharson
1999 Jonas E. Salk Scholarship for Medical School

“ In her freshman year, Ms. Faquharson attended to her dying grandmother, then supported her mother in her successful fight against bone cancer, while working full-time as an optometrist’s assistant. The first member of her family to attend college, she received the Pearl Rosenthal Scholarship, the Jack Gainen Award, and the Mage Scholarship.

She worked as a peer tutor at CCNY, served as president of the campus premed club, and served as captain of the CCNY women’s volleyball team. She is attending the University of California at San Francisco.”
(CCNY, May 1999)