Women at City College:
A Fifty Year Anniversary Exhibit
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Yolanda T. Moses
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Yolanda T. Moses
Tenth President of City College, 1993-1999

Dr. Moses, currently President of the American Association of Higher Education, served as President of The City College from 1993 to 1999. A noted cultural anthropologist, she also served as President of the American Anthropological Association during her CCNY presidency.

Under Dr. Moses’ leadership, CCNY played a leading role in launching a national higher education diversity initiative, in cooperation with the Association of American Colleges and Universities, entitled “Racial Legacies and Learning: An American Dialogue”. During her administration grant funding and private support of the College increased, the Herman Goldman Center for Sports and Recreation opened and the restoration of the great tower and Great Hall of Shepard were completed.

Dr. Moses has also served on the Ford Foundation Board of Trustees, as a senior scholar at the American Council on Education, as Vice President for Academic Affairs at California State University-Dominguez Hills, and as a consultant for the AAC&U, where she produced the important monograph, Black Women in Academe.