Women at City College:
A Fifty Year Anniversary Exhibit
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Susan D. Gubar
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Susan D. Gubar
CCNY Class of ’65
Distinguished Professor
Department of English, Indiana
University, Bloomington

Susan Gubar, a Distinguished Professor of English and Women’s Studies has taught at Indiana University for more than twenty years. Along with Sandra M. Gilbert, she published The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the 19th Century Literary Imagination in 1979, a runner-up for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award.
Six years later, the collaborators received a Ms. Woman of the Year award for their compilation of the Norton Anthology of Literature of Women, a work that appeared in a revised second edition in 1996. Gilbert and Gubar also followed up The Madwoman with a critical trilogy entitled, No Man’s Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century. The three volumes, “The War of the Words” (1988), “Sexchanges” (1989), and “Letters from the Front” (1994), use feminist criticism to understand the achievements of British and American literary women in modern times.
Gilbert and Gubar’s other works include a collection of poetry for and about mothers, MotherSongs (1995), and a satire on the current state of literacy and cultural literacy, Masterpiece Theatre: An Academic Melodrama (1995).
The recipient of awards from the national Endowment for the Humanities and the Guggenheim Foundation, Susan Gubar’s recent publications include a book on the centrality of cross-racial masquerade in America fiction, photography, painting, and film, Racechanges: White Skin, Black Face in American Culture (1997), and a collection of her essays entitled, Critical Condition: Feminist Studies at the Turn of the Century (2000).