Women at City College:
A Fifty Year Anniversary Exhibit
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Sendy S. Louis

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Sendy S. Louis
1998 Barry M. Goldwater Scholar

“ Sendy S. Louis, a junior at City College [in 1999] majoring in chemical engineering, has been named a 1998 Barry M. Goldwater Scholar for her research into a method of preventing the leakage of underground nuclear waste storage tanks.

Ms. Louis, who has been conducting her research in CCNY’s Chemical Engineering Department for the College’s Center foe Analysis of Structures and interfaces (CASI), is the fourth CCNY student to receive the honor in four years.

The Goldwater award is the second academic honor Ms. Louis has received this year. She recently won a fellowship from Merck & Co., Inc.

Ms. Louis’ selection entitles her to one year of scholarship funding up to a maximum of $7,500.”
(CCNY, May, 1999)